
Hello there, its me again. This picture was taken by daddy last July. I was much smaller then and my hair was more wild too. Can you see my hair all standing up? You won't believe how spiky my hair can be when it was at this length. I'm thinking of growing my hair long so that Yaya and mommy wont have a hard time fixing it. Sometimes Daddy makes fun of my hair and ties it upright making me look like a japanese sumo wrestler. He gets a kick out of making me look funny. I don't really mind, so long as I get to see him giggle all the time.
I have lots of friends in our neighborhood, and mind you, all of them boys. Dad says I shouldn't entertain boys yet, but I can't help it if they visit me in the house. I'm the only girl in the block you know!
Yuki is a boy who lives just behind our house. He is two months older than me but he's so fat. I think sometimes he can't carry his head anymore because it's so heavy. His mom says that his doctor is asking him to diet. I feel lucky being fit. I don't want to diet at such an early age.
Sam is also a boy who lives around the block. He's much older, around 1 year and 3 months, but his Yaya hardly lets him walk. I'm starting to think he doesn't know how to walk yet. He's not so cute, and he's not my type.
There's also Ken, he's older than Yuki but I think younger that Sam. I think his dad is Japanese too like Yuki's dad. I think I'll have some adventures with these boys when I get a little bit bigger. Don't worry mom, I won't entertain boys... just yet.
Till the next posting.
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