Intensity 7
I used to need to belt out a ten decibel MWAHHH to have my needs served. Not very lady like really. Now everything is so easy. When I’m hungry, I just have to open my mouth, or coo, or lap like a thirsty puppy to have a full bottle of milk dock into my gaping mouth. This usually works during the day but it’s a different story at night when you’re squeezed between Sleeping Beauty under a double spell and a pretending Rip Van Winkle.

For this desperate situation, I shake the whole bed until Beauty or Rip wakes up. I know you’re wondering how a 17-pound girlie girl can do this. To all you babies reading this, here’s the secret. Lie on your back, raise up your two feet and your arms to the side as high as you. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, let all fours come down on the bed as hard as you can. Do this in rapid succession until someone wakes up. With practice, you should, in no time, register an intensity 7 bedquake. I guarantee you this -- no Sleeping Beauty or Mr. Pretender can resist this.
Hi Carli - i think that's a GREAT strategy, thanks for sharing it with all the babies out there. By the way, when you get to be a toddler, crying won't be a good enough strategy anymore, take it from me. So what I do is i jazz it up. If crying won't get me anywhere, i (a) scream and shout 'daddy', 'mommy' at the top of my lungs, (b) make sure all kinds of liquid come out from my facial cavities (tears, snot) and let it come down all over my face, and (c) i don't let up for at least 10 minutes.
Trust me, this always gets their attention, and will even elicit a few arguments between mommy & daddy (mommy says 'see i told you, you should have given her that breakable glass/piece of chocolate/sharp pencil, now she can't stop crying!' and daddy responds 'argh, she doesn't know how to behave because you're spoiling her!')
Ah, the power we have over our parents... :)
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