Right after I turned six months, mom and dad introduced me to my first solid foods -- Gerber bottled mashed vegetables and fruits and later Nestle' Cereals for big babies.
This is a very exciting new experience for me. I specially love Nestle' cereals! I enjoy their mixed vegetables, sweet potatoes, squash and their other sticky flavors.
I think there' some drug mixed into these cereals, though. I go ballistic every feeding time. I scream my lungs out at Yaya when she's too slow preparing my bowl of cereals or shoving the next spoonful into my mouth. After just a mouthful, I go gaga and do the cereals dance -- bob my head, stomp my feet, extend my arms and swing them up and down. And oh, I attack the spoon when it comes to six inches from the tip of my nose.
For these unbaby and unlady like behavior at meal time, mom has called me the Cereal Killer.
The down side about my going gaga over cereals -- my mom worries -- is my reduced intake of milk. I now find milk a bit boring and only want it when I'm really sleepy.
I will soon post pictures of me eating my favorite cereals so you'll see how wild I get over them. I'm sure my friends Gia and Rianna also love cereals .
I hope I can try other real food soon! I can't wait to sink my teeth into Kare-kare, which cousin Kat says was her favorite when she was just three years old. In the meantime, let me blow my top off, "YAYAHHHH! I want my CEREAAAALLLLSSS!!!