My Ponderosa Valentine's

Last Sunday, mommy had to go to work at Pondersoa -- her beautiful leisure farming project in Silang, Cavite. It was a Valentine event that had lots of kids' activities like cake decorating, card making, and other stuff.
There was also an 0verflowing chocolate fountain where you could dip marshmallows, strawberries, and apple cubes. It was so yum...yum...yummy!
Ponderosa weather is as cool, crisp and breezy as Tagaytay's. I had so much fun with daddy, crawling on the grass, smelling the roses, pinching the fresh produce harvested from Leisure Farms Tagaytay, and sampling pastries and wines (well, this was for big people only) from the various booths.
Right before lunch, I got a bit tired and restless so dad decided it was time to get some rest. He opened up the back of our CRV and transformed it into a first class playpen for me. That was the greatest idea dad had churned out that day. I was happy crawling around the back of the car while dad rested and watched over me.
As you can see in this picture, I am so at home at the height of my play time. How could it not feel like home? I had my fleece blanket, my bottle of milk, my milk and saliva drenched pillow, my finger puppets, and my own personal entertainer -- Dad. Ahh heaven!
Love you, Daddy -- you're my Valentine! MWAHH!
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