A Visit from the Tooth Fairy

I have recently been showing some strange signs - rosy cheeks, rosy chin, as well as strange behavior - like irritability, scratching my nose on my dad's (or mom's & yaya's) shoulder, overflowing saliva, etc. etc. My mom suspected that I may have developed allergies, but upon my dad's investigation, he learned that I have the textbook symptoms of TEETHING.
Now the book says that the visit from the tooth fairy varies from an overnight painless kiss, with teeth magically appearing the next day, to a prolonged visit entailing heavy salivation and a slow eruption of baby teeth. Sad to say, the tooth fairy has decided to take a long vacation and has happily been staying with me for quite some time now. She has in fact blessed me with two front teeth, half-erupted and very itchy pearly whites. A bit crooked for now, I'm sure she has plans of straightening them out before my next set of teeth come out. Although I'm excited by this new development, I am more excited about mom's stories that I will get rewarded for taking good care of my baby teeth.
Last Saturday, we visited Tita Lally, mom's friend who is an orthodontist, just to show her my teeth, and she gave me some tips on how to take care of them. I will soon be posting some pictures showing my teeth off, but for the meantime, here's my latest picture with saliva pouring out of my little mouth.
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