My Mom must have been a tindera in Divisoria in her previous life. Her past occasionally catches up with her when she gets bitten by the bargain bug. When this happens, my Dad becomes totally powerless to resist her spell.
To give you an idea of how incurable she is, she convinced dad to drive her there last November 2 despite my dad's protests that all shops are closed on All Souls Day. Well my dad was wrong, not all shops were closed, two were actually open for business.
Anyway, they went back the following week to buy stuff and toys for my playroom. Now that I can already sit down and crawl really fast, they figured I should have more space to move around.
Dad really did a great job fixing my playroom. He laid out the whole alphabet rubber mat on the floor; hung bumble bees and butterflies from the ceiling and put all my new toys with my reach-- a sound and music guitar, a battery operated singing Pooh Bear on a raft, rubber balls which I love to bite into, and so many others.
Among the toys mom and dad brought home were two plastic hammers that make these doinky sounds when you slam them. They're neat, really! But, I'm not the violent type and I prefer sinking my teeth in them more than banging them on the floor.
Dad must have thought that I'd volunteer to move out of their room and into my own. No way, their room is still my room and so are all the rooms in the house where my other stuff are. I guess, mom and dad think they can bribe me with all these new toys. Not that I'm ungrateful but I really have very simple needs. Up to now my favorite toy is my Avent milk bottle coaster (the white one behind me in this picture). They can actually just leave me alone with it and my imagination can run wild. Plus, it's a perfect teether too.
Anyway, thanks for my new toys. Can't wait for Christmas to see what Santa and my ninongs and ninangs will give me.