Lola Betty

My daddy's mom has been staying with us for over a week now. My parents have invited her to teach me "assumptionista" english, and to make sure that my yaya's are well supervised. Now that was the plan, apparently, she has not yet begun teaching me assumptionista english, but rather has been talking to me in assumptionista baby gibberish. What the hell does "bajinggay jinggay" mean? She repeats that everytime she is delighted at what I'm doing. I guess it means "you're so cute" or "you're so pretty", because it definitely seems that way.
She has kept herself busy by watching DVD's, and puts the sound on mute in the hopes that she will not disturb my sleeping. She's become a DVD addict and watches anything and everything available. In her spare time, she entertains me by trying to read my books to me. I find Lola Betty funny because although she is already 82 years old, she seems just a tad bit older than me.

At night she sleeps early like me and in the morning we both take things slow - we eat, take a bath and then take short naps, we play and then sleep again. Lola's are great to hang around with because they're like big babies. They know our routine and stick to it. I'm so happy I'm with Lola Betty because my mom says she never met any of her Lola's.
I hope Lola Betty stays with us until she has gotten around to teaching me her assumptionista english. Di ba lola? Let's make tusok tusok the fishballs soon!
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