Four Legged Babies (Puppy Love 2)

As I've mentioned before, my dad whom my mom calls Daddy Puppy, is himself a dog lover. This trait seems to run in his family because his brother, my Ninong Martin (shown in this picture with me) is also an avid dog lover. In fact, they have a huge and hairy Golden Retriever named Buddy.
Ninong Martin and Tita Nina consider Buddy as their baby and shower him with many of perks we two legged babies enjoy. Buddy sleeps in their room, eats formula dog food, takes regular baths, celebrates his monthly birthday, gets photographed a lot, and puts on hats and custom made t-shirts for special occasions. He does not use diapers though, maybe because he is already toilet trained. And oh, we seem to have the same purpose in life -- eat, sleep, pee, pooh, mess up the house, roll over on command, and entertain adults.
I have not tried playing with Buddy yet because he is so much bigger than me. Honestly, he kinda scares me. Whenever he yawns, I feel he could swollow my whole arm or leg. I think, I will have to grow much bigger before we can start playing. I'm really looking forward to ride him like a pony.
Ninong Martin loves babies, I mean dogs, and I guess real babies as well. He showered me with lots of attention last Sunday and I can't help but hope they also have a real two-legged baby soon. Otherwise, I will just have to enjoy all his "puppy" love for me too. Yehey!! Don't have a baby nalang ninong Martin!! He,he.
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