The Nose Knows

Now there is no reason for me not to have a nice nose. Mom's nose is rather cute and Dad's is quite prominent -- I can grab at it with both hands. I have looked at all of mom's brother's and sisters and cannot find anyone with a teenyweenee nose. I've also seen the noses of Dad's brothers and his one and only sister - and they all look fine to me.
Look at this picture of Daddy and me (taken this morning before he left for the office) and judge if I need a nose job. And oh, by the way, if I stay out a minute too long in the sun, the first thing that gets burned is my nose. That wouldn't happen if my nose didn't stand tall in the first place, would it?
After many sleepless siestas, I realized that the only reason I might possibly have a small nose is because Lola Betty herself has a pug nose -- look at our picture last May 22. So, after much sniffing, I realize that the nose does know! Very sneaky Lola Betty! I guess, this is your way of saying that I've inherited something from you.
I really don't mind having your nose. And you shouldn't too, because this gives you an added reason to say "Carli is Lola's Girl too."
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