Sleeping Beauties

I have recently become more attached to mommy, especially during sleeping time. I long to bury my cute nose on her chest as she lulls me to sleep with her beautiful singing voice. Since Dad can't carry a tune, he's utterly useless during sleeping time. With him it's playing, horsing around, exploring the neighborhood, and story telling.
So don't be deceived by the cleverly contrived picture here. It's a fake. Dad had nothing to do with my falling asleep. After lulling me off to dreamland, Mom carefully laid me down on dad's chest. We look so relaxed here -- like Sleeping Beauties tired from all the day's work.
Hey, Mom. I have a feeling you put something in my drink. What wazzzzzz it zzzzzzzz?

Houston Chronicle recruits bloggers to help cover storm
The Houston Chronicle set up a special Weblog to cover Hurricane Rita written by about a dozen hand-picked readers - and posted unedited.
I'm definitely going to bookmark you! I have a cancun plaza condo site/blog. It pretty much covers cancun plaza condo related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-) Tom
Houston Chronicle recruits bloggers to help cover storm
The Houston Chronicle set up a special Weblog to cover Hurricane Rita written by about a dozen hand-picked readers - and posted unedited.
I'm definitely going to bookmark you! I have a cancun plaza condo site/blog. It pretty much covers cancun plaza condo related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-) Tom
i love the picture , well done
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