Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy, happy, happy birthday!
Dad says this should be your happiest birthday ever because you have the most precious, and most expensive (molto cara, he insists) gift a mom could ask for – me. He’s been brainwashing me to tell you that there should be nothing more you can ask for because my eyes sparkle brighter than any Tifanny diamond, my feet are classier and more fragrant than any pair of Manolo Blahnik, and my cheeks are more soothing to touch and hold than any genuine Louie Vuitton.
There, I’ve gotten it out of my system. Now for my own advice – don’t let dad get away with it. You deserve a royal treat on your birthday.
For my part, for now, a little royal secret. When I was still in God’s timeless bosom, I prayed to have you for a Mom. Seeing how much you loved Dad and how happy Dad was because it, I told God I wanted you for a Mom. God granted my wish and I promised him that I will make you and dad the happiest parents in the world.
See, this makes two of us wanting you for a mom. Remember how puppy dog Isabella jumped and barked non-stop with glee the moment you walked into the pet shop. You both knew you were meant for each other didn’t you?
The moment God granted my request and planted me in your tummy, I knew we were meant for each other. Remember how you felt so certain I had come even before Dr. Dondee told you that you were going to be a mom? Remember how ecstatic you were when the pregnancy test turned positive and announced my presence?
From that moment, you welcomed me and never stopped telling me “Hi Baby, I’m your mom . . . your daddy and I love you very much and we can’t wait to see you.” Countless times, you gently stroked me (your tummy was in the way though), told me stories, asked me what I was up to, sang lullabies to me, and allowed dad to press his lips on your tummy and talk to me. Even then, I knew I had a crazy dad with multiple personalities and a thousand voices.
Every now and then, you’d ask dad if you are a good mom. I agree with him, you are the best mom in the world. Thanks Mom, for wanting me and loving me unconditionally. It’s not my birthday but it feels like it is everyday, because each morning I wake up to the best gift in the world – you, my mom.
Daddy and I love you so much,
Carli Coochie